The HTD team hosted the inaugural Irish HCI Summer Workshop on campus last month, with over 20 HCI researchers from around Ireland in attendance.

The workshop focused on HCI research methods, and the intention was to provide an informal environment to share and discuss the various methods we are using, and to network with others in the Irish HCI research community.
The day consisted of four short presentations in the morning from researchers sharing what they feel is powerful, uniquely valuable, or difficult about the research methods they are using in their own work.
After a coffee break we ran a World Café session where we collaboratively decided on key areas that are important to us as a HCI community, and then discussed these topics in small rotating groups. The topics ranged from diversity and support to our values and the practical impact of our work.
In the afternoon we all took part in a hands-on session where we learnt about an innovative visual research method, Photo Voice, and worked in small groups around the topic of responsibility.
10:00 Welcome and introductions
10:20 Rob Bowman: Using Thematic Analysis in Healthcare HCI
10:40 Diego Garaialde: Linear-Mixed Effects Models for Lab Experiments
11:00 John Twomey: Qualitative research methods in social media research
11:20 Sarah Robinson: My experience of Forum Theatre as method
11:40 Coffee break
12:15 World Café workshop
13:15 Lunch
14:30 Photo Voice: Participatory Action Research workshop (Sarah Robinson)
17:00 Social
Organising committee:
Jacinta Jardine, TCD
Camille Nadal, TCD
Kevin Doherty, UCD
Sarah Robinson, UCC
Conor Linehan, UCC