Successful PhD viva examinations

Congratulations are due to Camille Nadal and Se?n Cronin who successfully passed their PhD viva voce examinations last month, subject to the usual minor revisions.

Camille’s thesis is entitled “User Acceptance of Health and Mental Health Care Technologies”. Thanks to the external examiner – Prof. Stephanie Wilson, City, University of London, internal examiner Dr. David Lewis, and chair Prof. Declan O’Sullivan, and to external co-supervisor Prof. Corina Sas, University of Lancaster.… Read more

Best paper award – CHI 2022!

Congratulations to Camille Nadal and the team for winning a best paper award (top 1% of submissions) at the ACM CHI 2022 conference. CHI is the leading international venue for Human-Computer Interaction research, and this is a fantastic achievement. User acceptance is key for the successful uptake and use of health technologies, but is impacted by numerous factors not always easily accessible nor operationalised by designers in practice.

This work seeks to facilitate the application of acceptance theory in design practice through the Technology Acceptance (TAC) toolkit: a novel theory-based design tool and method.… Read more

Postdoctoral Research Position on Human-AI Interaction for Security

Postdoctoral position in Human-AI Collaboration for Sustainable Security

The School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin ( is looking for applications for a 2-year Post-doctoral research position in the area of Human-Computer Interaction for sustainable adaptive security, with a particular focus on designs which support Human-AI collaboration.


As computers come to be used in every aspect of our lives, computer security has become a pressing issue, impacting on us both in terms of threats to our privacy and livelihoods, and in terms of the burden imposed by efforts to protect ourselves.… Read more

Funded PhD position in HCI for Digital Health

We are currently looking for a candidate with background in Human-Computer Interaction to undertake a funded PhD in the area of HCI for Digital Health as part of the D-real Centre for Research Training. The PhD will focus on apps to support psychotropic medication management and tapering. Applications will open shortly through the d-real website:

Title: Designing apps to support psychotropic medication management and tapering

Supervisory Team: Gavin Doherty, TCD (Computer Science) / Jane Walsh, NUIG (Psychology) / Cathal Cadogan, TCD (Pharmacy)

Psychotropic medications, such as antidepressants, are widely used in the treatment of mental health disorders, and can be a valuable approach.… Read more

Three papers accepted to ACM CHI’22

We are delighted to see three papers from the Health Technology Design Group at Trinity College Dublin accepted to the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – the premier venue for research in Human-Computer Interaction. The papers look at how we design for user acceptance (Nadal et al.), at user acceptance of digital COVID-19 certificates (Nurgalieva et al.), and at mechanisms for interacting with touchless medical imaging systems (Cronin et al.). Congratulations to everyone involved, and a particular thanks to our international collaborators on each of the papers.… Read more

Machine Learning for Outcome Prediction

Machine learning methods have the potential to enable the development of more personalized approaches to treatment of mental health conditions. Digital treatment delivery may be particularly amenable to the application of these techniques. I am delighted to be a co-author of a paper from a cross-disciplinary international team, published in World Psychiatry. The paper examines the potential of machine learning to provide outcome predictions for mental health treatment, as well as considering ethical challenges surrounding the use of these techniques.… Read more

Chairing ACM DSP

The ACM Distinguished Speaker Program allows organisers of events to request accomplished speakers in many aspects of computing, with financial support for travel coming from the ACM. It is particularly useful for ACM chapters, professsional meetups, and (not-for-profit) conferences. It is currently run under the ACM practitioners board. Having been on the committee for the last few years, and having run recruitment initiatives together with SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH, I’ve been asked to co-chair the commitee for a while. I have a number of ideas I would like to push, but if you have any feedback or suggestions on the program then let me know!… Read more