Congratulations to Camille Nadal and the team for winning a best paper award (top 1% of submissions) at the ACM CHI 2022 conference. CHI is the leading international venue for Human-Computer Interaction research, and this is a fantastic achievement. User acceptance is key for the successful uptake and use of health technologies, but is impacted by numerous factors not always easily accessible nor operationalised by designers in practice.

This work seeks to facilitate the application of acceptance theory in design practice through the Technology Acceptance (TAC) toolkit: a novel theory-based design tool and method. The paper was written in collaboration with Dr. Kevin Doherty at the Technical University of Denmark, and Prof. Corina Sas at the University of Lancaster.
C. Nadal, S. McCully, K. Doherty, C. Sas, and G. Doherty, The TAC Toolkit: Supporting Design for User Acceptance of Health Technologies from a Macro-Temporal Perspective, Proceedings of CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ?22), New Orleans, April 29-May 5, ACM, New York., 2022. (to appear). PDF Preprint.