Dr Gavin Doherty – Professor in Computer Science
Gavin is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Statistics, at Trinity College, Dublin, and a Fellow of the College. He conducts research in the area of Human-Computer Interaction, investigating the issues and challenges surrounding the use of technology in real-world environments, with a focus on healthcare and mental health. A specific focus has been on the design of more engaging technologies to support treatment of mental health conditions, as exemplified in the work of SilverCloud Health, a spinout company which emerged from one of his projects. This activity has been founded on interdisciplinary collaboration with mental health professionals, and partnerships with a range of health service providers in Ireland and abroad.
Twitter: @gavinHCI
Website: https://www.scss.tcd.ie/Gavin.Doherty/

Dr Wanling Cai – Postdoctoral Researcher (Lero)
Wanling’s research is mainly situated in the area of human-centered artificial intelligence, employing a human-centered approach to design intelligent systems to empower people and augment people. Her postdoctoral research explores the area of human-computer interaction for sustainable adaptive security, with a particular focus on designs that support Human-AI collaboration. Her research interests include human-centered artificial intelligence, conversational agents, and responsible technology for health and wellbeing.
Twitter: @wanling_cai
Website: https://wanlingcai.github.io/

Zaynab Salman – PhD Candidate
Zaynab’s research objective is to understand how patients are impacted by cold intolerance, how they cope with this problem, and what are the potential technologies that could help. As a part of her research, she is collecting data to inform the design of these technologies. She is also interested in the prototyping of interactive technologies located close to the body, specifically wearable, heat-generating components such as electric heating pads and Peltier elements.

Seamus Ryan – PhD Candidate (Advance CRT)
Research interests of Seamus are in inferring the state of a user from non-standard data. Specifically seeing if a model can be created, based on usage analytics, to guide digital clinical treatment.
Twitter: @SeamusMoose
Website: https://www.ugliesthorse.com/seamus-researcher

Rob Bowman – PhD Candidate (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Rob is a PhD Candidate in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin. His PhD is supported by Microsoft Research Cambridge and will research the design of conversational user interfaces for more effective mental health status reporting. Prior to joining the group, Rob studied the MSc programme in Human-centred Interactive Technologies at the University of York.
Twitter: @rbowmanHCI
Website: https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~rbowman/

Jacinta Jardine – Employment-based PhD Candidate (SilverCloud Health)
Jacinta is an Innovation Associate at SilverCloud Health, a role that involves design research, product development, content writing and organisational innovation. Her PhD work explores the design of digital ‘readiness for change’ interventions, which focus on preparing clients for online therapy. This project is co-funded by the Irish Research Council. Jacinta has a background in psychology, design, film and fine art.

Anna-Lisa Mann – PhD Candidate (d-real)
Anna-Lisa is PhD student under the SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality (d-real). Her PhD work focuses on exploring alternative evidence-based therapies which go beyond the cognitive and behavioural aspects addressed in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and how these could be digitally supported. Anna-Lisa holds an MSc in Human-Centred Interactive Technologies and a BSc in Human-Computer Systems. Before joining the research group, she worked in industry as a UX designer.
Charles Dutau – Engineering student at National School of Civil Aviation, France.
Ugo Eb-Levadoux – Master’s student in Human-Computer Interaction, University of Toulouse III, France. Website

Dr Camille Nadal – Lecturer in Computer Science (UCD)
Camille’s research interests are in human-centred design and technologies for health and care. Her works often involve transdisciplinary collaborations; they are concerned with making societal impact and benefitting populations who are vulnerable or less privileged. She’s also interested in long-term thinking and ethics in the space of technology development.
Website: https://camillenadal.wordpress.com/

Dr. Andreas Balaskas – Postdoctoral Research Fellow (UCD)
Dr Andreas Balaska’s current research within the field of human-computer interaction focuses on the design of mental health technologies to support people at different stages of their mental health journey.
Website: https://people.ucd.ie/andreas.balaskas/

Dr Leysan Nurgalieva – UX Researcher (Meta)
Leysan’s research is grounded in the discipline of Human Factors with a specific interest in user-centered design and usable security and privacy of socio-technical systems. She explores the challenges and opportunities of designing secure user-centered information systems that respect users’ privacy.
Website: https://www.leysannurgalieva.com/

Dr Kevin Doherty – Assistant Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (UCD)
Kevin’s teaching and research advocates for a human-centred approach to digital technology targeting the areas of greatest human need, and is driven in particular by the desire to achieve a real-world impact on healthcare. His current research focuses on the design and development of new and improved health and mental healthcare technologies, including novel digital therapeutics, new means of leveraging health data to support care for chronic, co-morbid conditions, and the practice of in-situ design research for clinical and everyday impact.
Website: https://kdoherty.ie/

Dr Marguerite Barry – Associate Professor, School of Information and Communication Studies (UCD)
Marguerite’s research and teaching interests are in ethical design for human-computer interaction (HCI) and communication through digital media.
Website: https://margueritebarry.net/